The Haunted World of El Superbeasto is the twisted tale of El Superbeasto (voiced by Tom Papa), a former world class masked wrestler with super human strength, who now finds himself in the very ordinary capacity as producer/director/star of BeastoWorld Enterprises. But when he can, Beasto spends time fighting evil along with his with his super-sexy sister, Suzi X (Sheri Moon Zombie), in the spooky Monsterland. Our hefty hero faces his biggest battle when he struggles to stop the unholy marriage of foul-mouthed stripper Velvet Von Black (Rosario Dawson) and the diabolical Dr. Satan (Paul Giamatti). Will all hell break loose or will our man save the day? The answer can only be found in The Haunted World of El Superbeasto, a depraved adventure with filthy comedy, ultra-violence, and some bad-ass theme songs!
Era capaz de jurar que já tinha posto isto aqui, mas depois do Cordeiro me ter voltado a falar nesta animação fiz search e nada, só dei com umas imagens das AF do filme, se calhar fiquei-me pelas intenções...