por sirlegulas2000 Dom Mar 21 2010, 22:25
The date is December 16, 1997, just a few days before Christmas was to be celebrated in the USA. The usual routine was played out. The show began, and it seemed all was well until the symptoms came around about 20 minutes into the show. (symptoms such as convulsions, sickness, ect.) Hundereds of worried parents rushed their kids to the hospitals. Then when the news came on soon after, even more people complained of feeling sick. In all, 700 + people, ranging from 3 to a 58 year old were sickened by what was, sadly, one of the most popular animes in Japan.
TV Tokyo (the Japanese TV station who ran the show) soon found out and went nuts, trying to figure out what happened to cause this phenomenon. It was soon discovered that an 8 second segment of the episode had a "wee bit" too much special FX done to it. (actually it was repetitious strobe light effects from Pikachu's eyes, that was to blame).
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