Espaço para criticas e comentários absurdos ou sem sentido:
Aqui está o que um cliente da Amazon teve a dizer sobre o El Retorno Del Hombre Lobo, um filme espanhol:
By David "david" (Seattle,WA)
This movie is in Spanish and I had to press the language button on the dvd player to get it to play in english. After I pop it out of the dvd player and play it again it is back in Spanish and I have to press the language button on the dvd player again.
Aqui está o que um cliente da Amazon teve a dizer sobre o El Retorno Del Hombre Lobo, um filme espanhol:
By David "david" (Seattle,WA)
This movie is in Spanish and I had to press the language button on the dvd player to get it to play in english. After I pop it out of the dvd player and play it again it is back in Spanish and I have to press the language button on the dvd player again.